The Microarray Research Laboratory is a new facility
founded in 2003 by EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs to conduct groundbreaking
research in toxicogenomics. The laboratory is the state-of-art facility located
at the Environmental Science Center, Fort Meade, Maryland.
The Microarray Research
Laboratory employs DNA microarray or Gene-chips to detect genotoxic effects of
various antimicrobials on bacterial cell response. By using microarrays, the lab
produces global gene expression profiles in pathogenic bacteria following
exposure to antimicrobial agents. The global gene profiles are then analyzed to
help us understand the mechanisms involved in toxicity and resistance so that we
can design agents for specific pathogens, leaving minimal effects on other biospecies, including humans. More specifically, the aims of the laboratory are
1. Integrate the recent
advances in the field of genomics into current microbiological techniques for
testing the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents
2. Analyze genome-wide changes
in pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus
aureus in response to exposure to
antimicrobials and explore how these responses manifest themselves via
variations in structural, physiological, and metabolic
3. Compare responding genes to
those of other bacteria and determine signature genes correlated to a mechanism
of action and lethality
4. Investigate cell-to-cell signaling among bacterial pathogens when their pathongenicity is determined by
the secretion and perception of signal molecules
EPA anticipates
that this exciting research will provide useful data for healthcare facilities,
patients and scientists. The program has also served as a training ground for students interested in genomics research.
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